different Pressure Washer Nozzles

5 Common Pressure Washer Mistakes

1. Forget to Angle the Spray

Whether new or not, it is common to forget to angle the spray when using the pressure washer. But spraying the dirt directly, causes the dirt to seep deeper into the surface and blowback dirt all over the place. By properly washing at an angle, the spray lifts the dirt from the surface.

2. Wrong Nozzle!

A pressure washer can produce 1500 – 4000 pounds per square inch (PSI). The nozzle controls the pressure by changing the speed and angle of the spray. It is common for people to not realise they are using the wrong nozzle. Using the correct nozzle will provide efficient, safer washing when cleaning. Although the potential damage of using the wrong nozzle with a powerful pressure washer enables the chance of stripping/lifting paint off the building or car park, damaging windows, and can cause harm towards people when the spray is directed towards them. Thus, it is recommended to wear suitable PPE such as safety glasses, a protective suit, gloves, and boots. Wider degree and larger angle nozzles are recommended for non-professionals or beginners. Cleaning Equipment Services Ltd can offer a selection of nozzles to suit your requirement for all pressure washer hire and purchases

3. Pressure Overload

A famous mistake is applying too much pressure when spraying. This can be very dangerous! Due to the pressure washer being so powerful, an overload of pressure can damage surfaces and properties leaving etches and marks. It is no help beginning your work and 5 minutes later leaving to go to the hospital with a laceration. Too much pressure can be due to either the common nozzle being too small or a broken pressure gauge.

4. Ratio of Detergent and Water

It is important to encounter the ratio of detergent and water applied for the circumstance. If the ratio is incorrect, mould spores may be spread instead of killed, causing potential harm. This can be particularly harmful in rich environments where plants, animals, and people can be infected with fungal diseases. In some cases, using only water is not as efficient and may not fully clean the desired area. Although only using water when spraying may do the job and is less likely to cause damage on hard surfaces, detergent encourages the separation of grease and dirt, leaving a clean finish.

5. Soap not Soaked in

When soaked in long enough, detergent can remove tough areas such as grease, stains, oils, moulds, and algae. This time allows the soap to attach and lift the stains before rinsing.

When using the detergent to clean difficult stains, let it soak in for 3-5 minutes on a warm day or 5-10 minutes on a cooler day before rinsing. Depending on the sun and temperature, the time can differ. It’s common to accidentally leave the detergent to dry due to temperature change. This can allow the detergent to dry and hold the dirt back in place again. If needed, spray with water to keep the detergent wet when soaking.

If you need any help choosing the right pressure washer to buy or hire, feel free to contact us at https://cleaningequipmentservices.uk/

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